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Bibliographie en géomatique

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Conference Paper
Weller, Olivier, Robin Brigand, and Laure Nuninger. "Spatial Analysis of Salt Springs Exploitation in Moldavian Pre-Carpatic Prehistory (Romania)." In Archaedyn 7 millennia of territorial dynamics Settlement pattern, production and trades from Neolithic to Middle Ages., 2008. Abstract
Journal Article
Grasland, Claude. "SPATIAL ANALYSIS OF SOCIAL FACTS." Handbook of Quantitative and Theoretical Geography or Advances in Quantitative and Theoretical Geography (2010): 000-046. Abstract
Li, Deren, Jingxiong Zhang, and Huayi Wu. "Spatial data quality and beyond." International Journal of Geographical Information Science 26, no. 12 (2012): 2277-2290. Abstract