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Bibliographie en géomatique

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Schütze, Emanuel, and Ing Heide-Rose Vatterrott. Current state of technology and potential of Smart Map Browsing in web browsers. Thesis, University of applied sciences Bremen ( http://www. smartmapbrowsing. org/thesis_EmanuelSchuetze. pdf), 2007.
Fleury, Antoine. "Croiser les terrains en géographie." In A travers l'espace de la méthode : les dimensions du terrain en géographie., 2008. Abstract
Kuhn, Werner. "Core concepts of spatial information for transdisciplinary research." International Journal of Geographical Information Science 26, no. 12 (2012): 2267-2276. Abstract
Satur, R., and Zhi-Qiang Liu. "Contextual fuzzy cognitive maps for geographic information systems." In Fuzzy Systems Conference Proceedings, 1999. FUZZ-IEEE '99. 1999 IEEE International, 1165-1169 vol.2. Vol. 2., 1999. Abstract