Sauf mention contraire dans les contenus, l'ensemble de ce site relève de la législation française et internationale sur le droit d'auteur et la propriété intellectuelle.
Le portailSIG est édité par l'association loi 1901 Forum Systèmes d'Information Géographique
dont le siège social se situe à AMIENS
ISSN 2274-4150
OpenStreetMap "image of the week"
I really like this artistic OpenStreetMap based image. I think it would make a good "Image of the week" on the OpenStreetMap wiki homepage. Either the image or the photo of the canvas. Both really great. We would need someone to upload an image to the wiki with CC license, and put it onto the featured image proposals page, and propose a caption to describe the image in two or three sentences. Or we can do all of that for you provided the creator of the image gives permission for an open license.