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Landslide susceptibility assessment in the hilly valleys of the Pays d'Auge using logistic regression (Normandie, France)

TitreLandslide susceptibility assessment in the hilly valleys of the Pays d'Auge using logistic regression (Normandie, France)
Type de publicationMiscellaneous
Nouvelles publications2010
AuteursFressard, M., Yannick Thiery, and Olivier Maquaire
Mots cléscartography, landslide, logistic regression, susceptibility

In Europe, many studies about landslides have been performed in mountainous environments. However, a large proportion of sloping hilly valleys in Western Europe are also affected by slope instabilities. This paper presents a first attempt of landslide susceptibility mapping on a selected representative area of 24 km\up2 located in the Pays d'Auge plateau in Normandy (France). The main objective is to define a quick reproductive indirect mapping technique at 1:10.000 scale with a set of rapid available data. The technique could be used as an operational mapping technique. In this case, only shallow landslide susceptibility was assessed by the logistic regression technique. The conclusions show interesting results in terms of high susceptibility areas locations, nevertheless, the model performances can still be improved by the introduction of new dataset.