La version 1.7.3 de Quantum GIS est sortie (www.qgis.org/en/about-qgis/qgis-releases/137-qgis-1-7-3-releasehtml.html).
C'est une version qui corrige la plupart des bugs rencontrés dans la version 1.7.2 ( problème d'échelle, voir http://www.forumsig.org/showthread.p...qgis+%E9chelle, etc.) :
- Fix #3581 Ftools: union tool leave holes in output
- Fix #4500 Simplify tool freezes QGIS
- Fix #4466 Fixes for 'v.what.vect' and 'v.generalize' modules in the GRASS plugin
- Fix #4552 Patch for v.what.vect
- Fix #4035 Print Composer shape combo box not refecting current shape
- Partial Fix #3097 Add preference to set/override environment variables
- Fix #2749 Move 'Add to Attributes List' button
- Fix #4560 Wrong scale displayed in Map canvas
- Partial Fix #4383 Ftools: Improve how processes are handled
- Fix #3577 Adding a print composer doesn't dirty the document
- Fix #3170 Many GDAL Tools don't work in OS X standalone
- Fix #3723 Transparency settings are not applied from *.qml
- Fix #3576 qml not read automagically for rasters
- Fix #2977 Messy uninstallation of the standalone installer
- Union and Symetrical difference works only on whole layer fixed
- Save some time in node tool for geometry export and avoid detachs
- Initialize default symbol to 0 in rule based renderer
- Make relative paths default
- Fix tab restoration in project properties
- Add helpful info to GdalTools Settings dialog on how to configure GDAL path
- New vector layer dialog - show CRS as authid-description pair instead of proj4 string
- Fix crash with relative file paths if projPath is not yet defined
- Add helpful info to GdalTools Settings dialog on how to configure GDAL path
- And a lot of other smaller Bugfixes
Elle est téléchargeable sur http://hub.qgis.org/projects/quantum-gis/wiki/Download. La version Mac OS X, à jour, est disponible sur le site de Kyngchaos (http://www.kyngchaos.com/files/softw...is-1.7.3-1.dmg)